Thursday, October 29, 2009

Our pecan harvest

Today was a windy day and we decided to go out and do some pecan picking. This is only our 2nd season of having eatable pecans on our young tree. We got some the year before last. Enough to make a pecan pie! I was SO excited and had waited for this day to happen only to burn them while cooking the pie. "(
Grandma was so kind to forward us a nice zip lock baggie full of hers, cleaned and all. I am going to attempt it again this Thanksgiving making sure to keep a close eye on the cooking process.

1 comment:

wez Friend folk said...

Holy smokes them boys grew! So glad I found your blog. Loved the pics and stories. We dont post much on our blog but we have updated pics of us at

Hope you guys are doing great! ~Corey