Friday, February 6, 2009

Whew! Daddy's back.

Ok. I now have a new appreciation for single parents out there! After spending a week being the only parent I'm spent! When you are the only parent/caregiver 24/7 it can be trying on one's mind. I love my boys and do cherish my time with them don't get me wrong. But it's nice to take a breath once in a while and have some come around and back me up. I suppose it would be different if I worked outside of the home and could get some "adult" time in there too. The only time I had to myself was at night after they were asleep for the night which meant staying up late to get some "me" time in. That didn't work out because it just made me tired and cranky for the next day! It backfired on me.
Anyhoo Daddy came home late last night to tell me about his 5 star dining/hotel experiences and share about the wonderful beaches. Thanks Dad. Oh me? I've just been hanging on to sanity by a thread and living off of whatever scrapes I could find around the house. OK, I'm kidding. But there was no lobster or seared Salmon with capers on my plate.
Well it seems as though Daddy may be doing some business travel this year. It did state that there was a 10% travel involved. But at the rate he is going it's looking more than 50% since he's only been there since December and have already gone out twice. Oh well it's part of the position. They are trying to get him integrated into the company and travel/training is just part of it for now. Maybe there is a way that I could use this to my advantage? Hum? Anyone up for a short trip to Mexico? ") Ok maybe for now I just get a massage tomorrow while he watches the boys!

1 comment:

4funboys said...

I don't think I could handle it if my hubby had to travel...

good luck with that...