Wednesday, August 27, 2008

Meals on Wheels

Well today we went on our first Meals on Wheels route. We all were excited to begin a way helping in our community. They were very nice and helpful when we went to their on site office in Dallas to sign up and get a quick low down of how it all works a few weeks back. I was amazed at their facility. When we walked through the door ahead of us was a huge glass window from the floor to the ceiling revealing the whole food making/packaging process. I couldn't help but think about Willy Wonka's Chocolate Factory! All the people there were so helpful. They were nice enough to see me one on one instead of attending a class because I didn't have a sitter for the boys. They even supplied Bubby with some markers and paper to help keep him occupied while we talked. I knew of them but never had any idea of the amount of people they help feed daily. 45,000 per day in the Dallas area!
Most of the people on our route are the elderly but not all. Some are disabled and unable to drive. All were very grateful and happy to see us at their door. Without going into detail of their living conditions, I was humbled to say the least. It's always sobering to see how some others live. It helps to keep me grounded. Makes my problems seem small. I wanted a way to serve God with my hands and not just throw money at something. My friend J had done it a few months back and it came to my mind to do it. I thought that it would be a great way to help Bubby see the world is larger than his own too. It did. As we drove from house to house he would ask questions about the people that he just met. He even drew pictures to give to them. I handled the hot meals while he carried the cool items in a bag. We picked up the hot and cold coolers at a local church, made the deliveries and then returned them with a checked off list of the people and their addresses. It will be the same route for us every time so we should get to know some of them better as time passes.

1 comment:

The Joys of having Boys said...

How awesome!! It truly is a humbling experience and a blessing :)